Riva Ridge

Riva Ridge

Coming Soon: Key to breaking the Gothic Line was Riva Ridge—the icy eastern flanks of which were so steep the Germans hardly defended them. Welcome to the most famous chapter in the history of the 10th Mountain Division, when more than 700 mountain troops climbed the...
Green No More

Green No More

COMING SOON: When the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division arrived in Italy, they were mountain hardened, but not battle-tested. This episode looks at the first few weeks in the Italian theater, when their encounters with the enemy took the green off the mountain...
The Gothic Line

The Gothic Line

COMING SOON: The Gothic Line was a series of fortified ridges and summits in Italy’s Apennines that was key to the Nazi occupation of the country. By October 1944, more than 1,200,000 soldiers had battled to take it—and now winter was on the way. And who could...