Camp Hale, Part 2: Episode 12 unabridged

Camp Hale, Part 2: Episode 12 unabridged

In Part 2 of our deep dive into Camp Hale, we explore the rocky beginnings of the mountain troops’ high-altitude military encampment. Nestled in Colorado’s Pando Valley, the camp was more than a training base for what would become the 10th Mountain Division; it...
Camp Hale, Part 1: Episode 11, Unabridged

Camp Hale, Part 1: Episode 11, Unabridged

The Origins of Camp Hale: How the U.S. Army scouted, selected, and developed Colorado’s high-altitude Pando Valley site to create a training ground for mountain warfare. Episode Synopsis: In Episode 11 of Ninety-Pound Rucksack, host Christian Beckwith...

The Old And The New: Episode 10 Unabridged

In Episode 10 of Ninety-Pound Rucksack, we explore the seismic cultural shift that—driven in no small part by citizen-soldiers like John McCown—enveloped the U.S. Army during WWII. As John and his fellow officers underwent their rigorous training at Officer Candidate...
Gear Heads, Part 2: Episode 09 Unabridged

Gear Heads, Part 2: Episode 09 Unabridged

Illuminating a pivotal moment in both military and outdoor recreation history, this groundbreaking episode reveals the collaborative efforts of America’s leading mountaineers to equip the 10th Mountain Division for war. Featuring extensive original research and...
Gear Heads, Part 1: Episode 08

Gear Heads, Part 1: Episode 08

Episode 8: Gear Heads, Part 1 is the first segment of our two-part mini-series that examines the equipment, clothing and food developed, at great expense, for the 10th Mountain Division. Not only did this development make the soldiers’ ability to train for...